Student Photographers


An essential part of the Teampix business is the facilitation of professional-practice training for student photographers wishing to make the transition to full time professional photography.

We employ, and pay, a range of senior students in their final year of study and also those who have progressed and are in their first year of freelance photography work.

During their time at Teampix they are given onsite tuition in action sports photography under the supervision of award winning photographer and former Northern Ireland Sports Photographer of the Year John Rush.

We ensure that our students have access to the latest professional cameras and sports lenses. They also have the opportunity to see how the business end of a professional commercial photography business is run and have access to training in the use of on-site dye-sublimation printing and to training on a range of software including Photoshop, Bridge,Lightroom and Digital Darkroom.

We ensure that all our student photographers both regular and freelance are Access NI checked and certified and that each photographer fully abides by the Teampix Child Protection Policy which is outlined on our site.

Teampix endeavors in all areas of our our business to maintain the highest standards of quality and service and we expect all of our student and freelance photographers to strive for the very highest standards of professionalism while they learn in what is a real world commercial setting.

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